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ChatGPT Impact on Google Market Share
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ChatGPT Impact on Google Market Share

Written by Iain Flinn

Helping business leaders in the enterprise software, Cloud/SaaS/PaaS and emerging technology sectors to identify talent and build high performing teams across EMEA.


Google is losing part of the pie to ChatGPT

With the advent of ChatGPT by OpenAI, the AI revolution has not stopped coming to the market.

Many people have also embarked on this revolution, and we have seen the use cases that a chatbot with a great user experience can have. This chatbot has reached 10 million users in less than a month after its launch, an amazing milestone that marks a clear need for the market to automate and free up tedious work. Many of these use cases are related to marketing, writing code, or writing articles and posts – this post was written by one person, relax – which is a revolution like no other.

Related to how to create useful Prompts, several interesting initiatives have been born. On the one hand, we have FlowGPT and on the other Learn Prompting, initiatives that have emerged from the community to help create high-quality Prompts.

To this we must add the initiatives by Google, to not see the part of the cake they had diminished, trying to continue its leadership position in relation to search engines thanks to the launch – recently announced – of its chatbot Bard, wanting to be the main competitor of ChatGPT. On the other hand, we should also consider Microsoft‘s acquisition of OpenAI, acquiring 49% of the company founded in part thanks to Elon Musk, to implement its technology in the Bing search engine.

Furthermore, it should not be forgotten that the developer community itself has been developing – incognito mode – projects like what ChatGPT offers with open-source code, with the aim of making this type of tool accessible to more people. One of the most prominent is the Open Assistant project by Yannic Kilcher – if you want to help in this project, you will find the link below -.

And if you feel lost with so many new AI tools on offer, another project that we think is great is the one that Guillermo del Olmo has recently created. Third Oasis is a catalogue of AIs tools where you will find each project by categories, helping you to find the solution you are looking for to your problem – you can find the link at the end of the post -.

Does this situation occur only because of ChatGPT?

We think it is too early to draw any conclusions, although everything points to the fact that it is going to have very strong competition from now on if it does not hurry up. In any case, you will find a link that talks in-depth about the subject. down below.

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Link to the Open source project:

Third Oasis:

Written by Iain Flinn

Helping business leaders in the enterprise software, Cloud/SaaS/PaaS and emerging technology sectors to identify talent and build high performing teams across EMEA.
